Wedding Ring Pillow - Everything Important at a Glance
Time to read 4 min
Time to read 4 min
The ring pillow plays an important role at the wedding. It's something that can easily be forgotten when planning the wedding.
We would like to answer all your questions about wedding ring pillows. Below you will also find a helpful video on how to attach the rings to the ring pillow.
In this article we would like to show you what the ring pillow is used for, how they differ and what you should pay attention to when buying a ring pillow.
The ring pillow is an important wedding accessory. On the one hand, it symbolizes the moment when the rings are exchanged . On the other hand, it also secures the wedding rings.
Apart from its symbolic nature, the ring pillow is also a lovely accessory. Especially since many photos are taken on the wedding day, the ring pillow, together with the wedding rings, can perfectly set the scene for the wonderful moment of the ring exchange .
Many future couples wonder who will bring the rings on the wedding day. There are different options depending on the wedding location.
For example, at a civil wedding, the ring pillow can be placed on the table at the front so that it can be prepared before the ceremony and the wedding rings can be placed on it.
At a church or civil wedding , the maid of honor or even the children are often involved as ring bearers . They then bring the rings - decorated on the ring pillow - to the front of the altar or to the bride and groom for the ring handover during the wedding.
Alternatively, and not uncommonly , pets such as dogs can be the ring bearers and bring the rings to the bride and groom. This is a wonderful way to include four-legged friends in the wedding ceremony, for example, because they are often an important part of the family. It is important to be sure that this is possible with the respective pet in order to avoid possible difficulties. We at Nadelspitze also make suitable ring pillows for this, such as the dog ring bearer ring pillow with a carabiner .
Fun fact: We were once able to make a ring pillow for a turtle that brought the rings. The couple was overjoyed and the pictures were simply indescribable!
In addition to the classic fabric ring pillows, there are now many alternatives.
In addition to the classic ring pillows, there are embroidery frames , wooden boxes or porcelain bowls. There are also the very popular ring boxes made of glass , which are also very suitable for storing rings.
Many of you are wondering how to attach the rings to the ring pillow. It's actually quite easy once you've seen how it works. That's why we've created a short video to show you how. A video is often easier to understand than explaining it step by step in text, so it's best to take a quick look here.
Important: There is a second method to attach the rings really firmly to the ring pillow so that they definitely cannot slip. This alternative method is especially important if, for example, children are the ring bearers and they need to be really firmly attached.
Normally, the loose knot is sufficient and is especially helpful if you are a little nervous at the wedding ceremony because the knot can be untied so easily (we clearly recommend this method).
1. Put on the rings - pull both ribbons through both rings
2nd loop - Now pull the ends of the ribbons through the loop
3. Tighten - Finally, tighten the straps so that they fit well
4. Remove the rings - You can easily remove the rings from the bows by simply taking them off
So far, so good. By now you know what the ring pillow is for, who usually brings the rings and what alternatives there are.
But what should you look out for when buying? Here we would like to briefly list a few tips and tricks for your purchase:
Choose a ring pillow to match your wedding style
Finding the right size
Pay attention to who wears the rings
Choose a dealer with whom you can discuss special wishes or ideas
The most important thing is that you like it in the end and that it suits you
Ultimately, it's important that you feel comfortable with the decision. Whether it's about choosing the right ring pillow, who will carry the rings in front or how you want the ceremony to be. There's no perfect answer to how you should plan your day, as long as you like it.
If you still have questions or a very special request, we at Nadelspitze are of course here for you. Contact us and we will find a solution for you. ❤️
Best regards
Birgit von Nadelspitze
Here you can find an overview of all our ring pillows: